MMTCP Stories
You have a Story to Tell & We Want to Hear It
If you are either in the midst of completing or have graduated from the MMTCP program we would love to hear from you.
As 2023 graduates of the MMTCP program we know firsthand how powerful this program is in helping to cultivate your voice in order to share the power of mindfulness with the world. We thought what better way to do that than to compile a book that features the stories of MMTCP participants and graduates.
This is where you come in. You might be thinking right now, “I don’t have a story”. Well, there it is, that is your story. It can be as simple as when we notice the voices in our heads telling us untrue stories.
Anna Quindlen describes it this way: “Life is made up of moments, small pieces of glittering mica in a long stretch of gray cement. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won’t happen. We have to teach ourselves how to make room for them, to love them, and to live, really live.”
We want to share with others the incredible power of these moments. What better way to do that than with our own personal stories.
Criteria for Submission:
Your Story must be 1200 words or less
Your Story should be personal, true, and inspirational and about yourself or someone close to you
Your story should be written in the first person and be exciting, heartwarming or funny
Your story must be true. No fiction, no creative writing.
Your story should begin with a favorite quotation that relates to the story.
Your story should end with a mindfulness tip or meditation for the reader.
Your story can be a poem
Your story cannot be previously published*
*The only exception to this is if your work has only been published in a small local publication with limited circulation or on your own blog
How to Submit
Please submit your story by September 15th, 2024
Send to
You will be notified by email that your story has been received and is being reviewed.
If Your Story is Selected
If your story is selected, you will receive a follow-up email requesting permission to print and edit (if needed) your story, and you will be asked to sign a standard permission release agreement. That agreement asks for non-exclusive rights to publish your story. This means that you retain ownership of your story or poem but you grant the rights for us to publish it and use it again in any future product.
What happens Next
We are excited to say that our mentor Trisha Stotler has agreed to write the forward for this book. We will submit a proposal to Sounds True in the hopes they will publish the book and if that is the case, Tara Brach has agreed to endorse it and 100% of all sales will be donated to the Sounds True Foundation. If your story is selected and published, you will not receive payment.
We thank you in advance for sharing your stories with us. If your story is not selected for this book, we are hoping to publish a Volume II and it will be considered for that one as well.