We cannot receive what we do not believe

Happy Monday! Thank you so much for the support I received last week after sharing a couple of my new endeavors. It truly means so much.

Through this process, I have been very aware of my own internal stories; the beliefs we have about ourselves that may or may not be true. It are those beliefs that often can hold us back on our path. Noticing the stories and allowing ourselves to “be with them” a bit allows us the chance to “re-write” them. That is a true power of mindfulness. A mantra can help us create that shift and this is the one I shared with students last week. 

We cannot receive what we do not believe.

We can practice this both on the mat and off. First by noticing the story “I am not good at this ” or “My body can’t do that that” and then by taking a moment to soften. The breath is one way. Repeating a mantra is another.

I asked students to look at their practice on the mat as just that…. PRACTICE! That means not having expectations or judgements but being open minded to the possibilities. When we do that it frees us to “write a new story”. If we fall out of a pose…. it is just practice. If we access a pose we didn’t think we could… well then… that’s a new true story.  We have to believe it to manifest it. Just like in the picture above; I absolutely had to believe I was going to get up into the handstand for there to even be a chance it would happen. We cannot receive what we do not believe. 

Thank you again to all of you who checked out my KLARITY Mindsette Substack blog. This was definitely an exercise in shifting my inner dialogue and I truly appreciate the support. Subscribe to receive my next post which will be coming out soon. 


I am happy to be back teaching my full schedule this week. See you on the mat!

Allison Waguespack

Contact Allison: klaritymindsette@gmail.com 

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