I Hope You Are All Doing Well

I hope you are all doing well. It was a bit of a dramatic week last week with hurricane Ian. We are feeling very lucky that we had very little impact from the storm. My heart is breaking for those who cannot say the same. In the mindfulness community we talk a lot about being able to be with the changing conditions of our lives and we use the metaphor of the waves of the ocean to represent that idea. 

That is what I have been thinking about and manifesting this week. It is okay to feel joy and gratitude for things in our lives despite the suffering that may be happening with loved ones, our community or the broader world.  In fact, the only true path to freedom is being able to be with what is and connect to the joys along with the sorrows. Often we hold on tightly to joy out of fear of losing it and tightly to our pain and other’s pain because our brain is programmed to fix what is wrong and prepare for the worst (negativity bias).  It is only in softening the grip on both a bit that we can truly ride the waves of our ocean.

Allison Waguespack

Contact Allison: klaritymindsette@gmail.com 

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